Monday, July 12, 2010

Summer Monster Party.

Starting Saturday (after drawing the Seabishop), I've decided to draw a cryptozoological creature every day for 30 days! I will post my progress as regularly as I can.

Here are my first two, the SeaBishop (coloured in) and the GOUGOU, a giantess from the St. Laurence who's favourite foods include sailors, fur traders and pirates. (Anyone who comes near her island, pretty much)


kelipipo said...

Awesome idea :D I look forward to learning about these precious bygone marvels... (Sea bishop wtf?! I just read the description over at wikipedia, the story sounds almost too crazy to be a lie!)

Sam said...

This is an excellent idea! Good luck!!

Anonymous said...

haha that sea bishop is adorable and weird! I love this idea, Colleen!